
巴厘岛海滩绝美日落日出 - 中秋月收台湾 - 中秋月收台湾

巴厘岛海滩绝美日落日出 - 中秋月收台湾 - 中秋月收台湾


Oh my god it is so beautiful here!!!

Soft and white sandy beaches, clear and blue water ...


Everything are wonderful!!!!!

anybody wants to go to beach right now?


Has anyone figure out where is it?


Here is the dream holiday destination - Bali



Today, Ying want to talk about Indonesia, let me show you the map↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 

The yellow part is Indonesia


Indonesia is the world's largest island of the archipalago, a total of more than 13.000 islands.

What stretches 5.300 km north to south at about 2.100 km, spread over 6 degrees north latitude to 11 degrees south latitude, just across the land territory of the equator, so the country all year round sunshine.

The island spread all of the area, with rich and valuable marine resources, countless white sandy beaches and world-class diving field, so some people say that Indonesia is a scattered pearl in the tropical oceans.

Located in Asia and Australia due to a bridge between the Indonesian culture between Asia and Europe absorbed the essence of and civilization, gave birth to a special local customs and culture.


※Profile of Indonesia:

Area:1919.000 square kilometers (52 tomes of Taiwan)

Population:237.5 million people (2008 data), the world's fourth most populous country

Main islands:Java、Bali、Sumatera、Kalimantan、Sulawesi and PapuaCapital: Jakarta (Jakarta), located in the northwest corner of the island of Java, is the gateway for visitors to Indonesia

Capital:Jalarta, located in the northwest corner of the island of Java, is the gateway for visitors to Indonesia

Religion:Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim country, Muslims account for 88% of the population, followed by Christian 6%, Catholic 3.3%, Hindu 1.7% (multi-Hindu residents od Bali) and Buddihist 1%

Race:Indonesia (Java family, Malay, Sundanese ethnic, Madura enthic, Tengel family, Badui family) about 45% of enthic Javanese, Arabs, Chinese 3%, about seven hundred million, Indians, Burmese

Language:Indonesia, English



Have everyone have a basic understanding of Indonesia?

Next time Ying want to introduce you more interesting traditional folk arts of Indonesia, please stay your attention!!


Referance:Wilipedia, adventure workshop




2010 Nan Ying International Folklore Festival
2010 南瀛國際民俗藝術節




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