

A Meeting under the Moonlight


In every Nan Ying International Folklore Festival, the organizer tried its best to welcome guests from all over the world. The opening of”2003” Wusanto international folklore festival “was shown with a slogan of”hero actions, nature sound ” to indicate the gathering of “dancers” from the world.

        Every folk art group was introduced with cheers. Within one minute, every group waved their national flag and tired to show the best of themselves. Applause was everywhere. The group of Taiwan warned up the ceremony with traditional Taiwan puppet drama. Country magistrate, Su Huan-Chih, along with congress leader and local celebrity dressed up as Taiwanese puppet and started the event with a great drama. At the beginning of ceremony, there are firework, smoke, ribbons and applause all around. The distance among diffenert countries was thus shortened by culture.

        Tainan country government welcomed groups from the world with a big welcome. Foreign visitors also experienced the passion of southern Taiwan. At that moment, we were amazed that people from different cultures and different races can to so close. We were also touched that we had build up a concrete friendship among counties.


Opening in 1999, a dance theater with a local twist named "New Generation Dance Company" which is established by Ms. Guo Yu-Qiu.






2010 Nan Ying International Folklore Festival
2010 南瀛國際民俗藝術節


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